10 brandnames | English Pronounciation | Learn English with Freshtalk

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Hello Hello Everyone! Welcome to Speaking and Pronunciation with teacher Josana of Freshtalk. So for today, we are going to learn How to pronounce some of the Brandnames correctly. And we have listed 10 brand names to practice in this video. So are you ready? Let’s go!

1. CHRISTIAN DIOR: For the first brand, the correct pronunciation of this is: Kris-chin Dee-or (Kờ rít tin đì o).

2. HERMES: for this brand, we don’t have to pronounce the letter H so for its correct pronunciation we say “Air-mez” / (eee mẹt).

3. LOUIS VUITTON: “Loo-wee Ve-tan” (Lu guy vi thòn)

4. BURBERRY: “Bu-bri” (Bơ bờ rì) Verygood.

5. CHANNEL: shanel (sà neo)

6. GIVENCHY ” jivaan-she” (gi von sì).

7. Armani ” “erimani” (e rờ ma nì-)

8. Gucci: ” goo-chi” (Gu chì).

9. Dolce & Gabbana: ” dolche n gabana” (Đô chê en gờ ba nà).

10. PRADA: “prahda” (Pờ ra đà)

now for our last brand VERSACE: the correct pronunciation is “versachi” (Vờ sa chì).

So that is for all pronunciation lesson for today. If you like watching more pronunciation lessons PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE. Thank you for watching and GOODBYE!